1. As a parent, I feel that learning the piano has:
Made my daughter recognise some tunes that otherwise she wouldn’t. It has made her more aware of rhythm and also gave her a great skill (she was playing some tunes every Friday at school)
Given my child another outlet to have fun and develop a new hobby. She loves showing off her tunes to her friends and family.
Taught her to be more disciplined and hard-working. Gives her confidence. She has discovered her love of music.
Made him calmer
Helped him develop new skills, improved his enjoyment of music on the radio and on CDs
Assisted with learning as it combines reading and listening and coordination skills. Not many subjects can do that!
Taught my child discipline and to be organised, helped the individual to relax, provided a balance with the academic and sports, supported numerical skills
Brought us an enormous amount of pleasure and pride to hear our daughter play fluently and confidently
Helped my daughter develop a sense of accomplishment. She has learned many pieces and styles, and is really enjoying experimenting. She also likes to play for us as a family and get us to join in. Learning the piano has helped her formalise independent learning and planning skills.
Given my daughter lots of useful skills and, more importantly, plenty of enjoyment
Given my daughter a creative ability and outlet which is far removed from her academic studies
Improved his confidence, hand-eye coordination, concentration, musicality

2. What advice would you give other parents about learning the piano?
I would say that Jennie has a lot of patience and a very positive attitude! However if the child is not committed, it can be rather challenging!
A little practice at home every day would do wonders for the child’s development of her music
Spend time with the kids to practise!
It requires time and sustained, regular practice – but it repays the effort
Be patient, supervise and practise regularly. Give plenty of encouragement and positive feedback.
Regular encouragement of your child to practise as much as possible (10 minutes at a time). They rarely offer to practise without this encouragement.
Ensure your child trials the instrument. Ensure the child has some interest in the instrument, i.e. they wish to learn it. It requires working with an enthusiastic and patient teacher who allows the child to both explore on their own and learn formally.
Real pleasure listening to your child play. Child needs to want to learn and be dedicated. Opportunity to learn with your child.
It requires patience and dedication but it is very rewarding and pleasurable when they play something correctly!
Provides a different type of learning which is immediately rewarding and fun. It offers a chance to show off every now and then! Builds confidence and awareness of self. It is a sociable activity. Is great to have in the home and I enjoy listening to her and hearing the progress.
Brilliant for building confidence in your child
Only book piano lessons for kids that have asked to learn! They’ll be motivated and enthusiastic.
It relieves stress – especially as kids enter school exam years. Helps with coordination, using eyes and hands. Pleasurable to listen to kids playing songs at home!
For your child to have fun, enjoy but remember to practise in order to start being able to play more complex and interesting pieces of music.